Croatian, Latvian and Lithuanian

0The FoolLudaMuļķisBeprotis
1The MagicianMađonicarIluzionistsMagas
2The High PriestessSvećenicaVirs priesterieneŽynė/Šventikė
3The EmpressCaricaImperatoreValdovė/Imperatorienė
4The EmperorCarImperatorsValdovas/Imperatorius
5The HierophantPapaHerofantsŽynys/Šventikas
6The LoversLjubavniciMīlniekiMylimieji/Melužiai
7The ChariotKolaKaujas RatiOzyrio kovos vežimas
8The Justice*PravdaTaisnībaTeisingumas
9The HermitPustinjakEremītsAtsiskyrėlis
10The Wheel of FortuneKolo SrećeLaimes RatsLaimės ratas
12The Hanged ManObješeniPakārtais cilvēksPakaruoklis
14TemperanceUmjerenostMērenība (Atturība)Santūrumas/Nuosaikumas
15The DevilVragVelnsVelnias
16The TowerBožja KućaTornisGriūvantis bokštas
17The StarZvijezdaZvaigzneŽvaigždė
18The MoonMjesecMēnessMėnulis
19The SunSunceSauleSaulė
21The WorldSvijetPasaulePasaulis/Taika

*In the Rider Waite Tarot (1909) these cards are reversed, ie. Card 8 is Strength and Card 11 is Justice. This was done by Waite to make them better fit with the astrological correspondences worked out by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

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